Monday, September 22, 2008


On Saturday we went to the CSU vs Houston football game. It was a lot of fun. We went to have fun but also because Jake's good friend that passed away a couple of months ago was given an award at the game. Jake's advisor was at the game too. He saw Jake and do you know what the first thing he said to him was? "Where is the dissertation?" Yeah, not even a "how are you" or anything like that. Those advisers! (At least Jake could tell him he had already finished it and it was in his inbox!) The game was awesome and we won. Gillian got really into the game...well that is a stretch. She really got into eating for 3 solid hours. She liked that she was able to scream whenever she wanted. Lincoln was a trooper (thanks to the Bernhardts lending us the baby carrier) he even fell asleep in the thing during the game...even with all the cheering, loud music, and cannons going off. So at the game they announced the CSU volleyball game that night at 7pm. WE thought about it but at that time the kids were both passed out and we decided against it...until....they announced it would only cost us $3! We talked Scott into bringing his kids and we all walked down to watch the volleyball match against BYU. We spanked them!
It was awesome. Once again Gillian enjoyed eating popcorn and licorice and apparently she had a great night because I caught a glimpse of Spencer giving Gillian a peck on the lips! (Don't tell Emily!) It was kinda shocking but funny. Anyway, we all survived the long day and CSU had a great day too!


Korryn said...

Okay! Scott never said anything about the make-out session!! What are our children begins already!

Hatch's said...

kissy kissy huggy huggy...they are married now!