Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ranting and Raving Like a Lunatic....

EDIT: I haven't gotten good feedback from this particular posting. I guess maybe this wasn't the best venue for my ranting and raving. I am a pretty open and a honest person and sometimes I get carried away with the sharing part. I remember talking to my friend Staci about getting too personal with what people blog about and how sometimes you need to just get it out and then delete it. Well, I got out my frustrations and didn't delete them. So, for the record, I not a grumpy mad person all the time (not that everyone needed that explained)and sometimes it is nice to be able to vent, even though the things that are making mad I don't want to share. Does this make any sense? Hopefully.

I am frustrated with some things in life right now that I am really not at liberty to discuss openly, nothing really crazy but enough to make me need to vent. Soooooo, since I can't talk about the things that are really making me mad and angry and confused, I will talk to you about the things that are on my mind now and I can talk about openly.

Do you remember that book by Judy Bloom Starring Sally J Freedman as Herself? I really loved and still love that book. I remember after reading that book I would (and still want to) end all my letters I wrote with:

love and other indoor sports, Cheramie.

I recently tried to update my computer with Microsoft service pack 3, otherwise known as a hired hit for my computer. At the risk of Microsoft putting a hit out on my life for complaining about their products and such, I am gonna complain anyway! Their crap always breaks!!!! While attempting to download the "service" pack, it froze my computer. That sucks, whatever, but it gets worse. IT WIPED OUT MY ENTIRE ITUNES LIBRARY!!!!!!! Is that retarded or what! Jake later found a way to recover the music that will take my until the end of the year to finish. Until I get the music put back, I can't plug my ipod in because it will sync my ipod and library together and I will lose what is on my ipod. Seriously are officially on my list.

I almost quit watching the Biggest Loser forever this week. I love this stupid show for many reasons. Jillian (so weird to spell it that way) the crazy, psycho trainer scares me to death but I know that she could whip me into shape in no time! Anyway, the only team we like this season is yellow team. The father works for the police and the daughter is just awesome and sincere. You can tell these poeple actually love each other and want the other to lose weight and be able to live their lives to the fullest. Anyway, the dad got sent home last time and the daughter was almost sent home this week. For some reason I just don't really connect with any other team. If they had sent her home, I would have quit that show. GO YELLOW TEAM!

What is the deal with the Avalanche! They have started this season DEFEATED! They haven't won a single game...yeah I know they have only played 3, but seriously! They shouldn't suck this much!

I upgraded my cell phone. I needed a new one because my old one was, well, old and wouldn't stay charged, it was basically useless. I got the new one for free by extending my contract another couple of years. I won't be specific with the company but they are on my list too! It took them 3 weeks to get me my phone! Horrible service. Their excuse, well, they didn't have one. That is just retarded. I finally have it though and to end on a positive note to let you all know that I am not always in a bad mood, the phone is totally awesome and cute. Yay for me.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Sorry you're so frustrated. Tell Jake you need an apple computer and then at least you'll have Microsoft out of your hair!