Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Go Go Loco Lincoln!

Lincoln has mastered crawling. He loves to follow me all over the house. He super loves getting into everything he isn't supposed to....that is his specialty. He particularly loves to get into the entertainment center and get out all the video games and controllers. He actually holds the remotes and points them at the TV. He is such a male. The funniest thing about this is that I have a Velcro strip that goes over the opening to that stuff that kept Gillian out when she was little. When Lincoln learned he could move around, he went straight there and pulled it off. He wasn't fooled at all. Now does this mean he is smarter than Gillian, probably not. But it makes me wonder what else he will figure out. Be afraid, be very afraid. (Mission accomplished!)

1 comment:

Tim and Family said...

I feel your pain. Shyler is into everything as well. She loves sticking her fingers into the VCR. I like to play with her in her room where she pull stuff off the shelves, which she does, and I don't care as much. And if she's not pulling things out she is trying to eat it. I hope that phase ends soon!