Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Tad Bit Late...

I am a little late getting this posted (sorry to those of you who care, namely Grandpa). We had a lot of fun this year! Gillian really got to wear that costume a lot!

Gillian made a spooky spiderweb for our wall.

She put her giggly, wiggly pink spider in her home.

It looks really spooky right? It kinda scares me! It kinda reminds me of those ghost people in Lord of the Rings....right?

Gillian and Lincoln: Princess Aurora and Cutsey Pumpkin respectively.
We went to a Halloween carnival at FRCC where Jake teaches. It was fun.

Lincoln get to eat his first plastic spoon.

Gillian got (one of my all-time favorites) a dirt cup!

My Mom helped us take the kiddos trick and treating.
Don't they look too cute?


Korryn said...

Love the spiderweb, totally the coolest one I've ever seen!

Hatch's said...

Impressive spider web! Gillian looks so big!

Shannon And Tyler said...

You have one creative daughter, like everyone else i thought the spiderweb was very unique.