Friday, February 27, 2009

Lincoln's Party

We had a small party for Lincoln. My Mom and my brother Summit came over to celebrate. I put a few decorations on the walls but mostly blew up the balloons for the ground. I remember Gillian's 1st birthday I did that and she loved it so I guess for all of our children we will have to have a ridiculous amount of balloons on the ground and cupcakes in ice cream cones. Lincoln had a great time and especially like the cupcake and ice cream portion of the evening. HE ATE IT ALL! Seriously, I had to stop him after a while because I thought he would be sick! We had an eclectic theme....Lincoln picked out MickeyMouse ears for everyone to wear, I picked out blue balloons and the pirate wrapping paper and the decorations on the wall were of a weird lion.

1 comment:

Cappsland Circus said...

Yea! Happy Birthday Lincoln!!

You are sooooo cute!