Monday, May 18, 2009


Gillian becomes pretty attached to people she knows. She is a very affectionate soul and loves to shower you with "i love you" and kisses and hugs. Her friends at school have just come to accept that she is gonna do this to them...and some have actually come to like it. There is a certain boy at school who she is good friends with...Mosab. He is from the Middle East and he didn't speak a word of english when he started school this year. You wouldn't be able to tell now though! It is amaing at his progress and it is so awesome to see his personality come out after he got through that language barrier. Sometimes he comes over to our playground to play with Gillian. A few nights ago he came over to play and when he left heart break ensued. Enjoy watching me patronize my daughter.

So the only thing I could do to calm her down was for her to make him a card. If you know Gillian then you know she loves to make cards for her friends.

You can't really tell but it says I love you...


Hatch's said...

She cracks me up ...and you too for videoing all of it! Love the song!

Rachel said...

Ohhhhhh! Cheramie I got teary listening to hear sing her Mosab song!! Poor Gillian. Life is so hard as a four year old. :)

Stacey said...

that's so awesome that you got all that on video! that is going to be a riot when she's 16 and crying over some other boy! or maybe not... :) so cute! gillian, you are a gem!

Stacey said...

p.s. i love when jake suggested she sing a song and she said she couldn't sing everyday. jake's response is hilarious! "good point." i'm still laughing about that!

Rachel said...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah... oh man! that was funny!!! i cried... how do you keep a straight face!!?? jeremy