Saturday, June 27, 2009

a case of the NO's

The word of the day is NO.

I asked Gillian what she wanted for breakfast and she said: NO

I asked Gillian to get dressed. She said NO

I told Gillian she'd better be nice or she wouldn't go on vacation with us and stay here all by herself and she would be awfully sad without her family. She said NO!

I told her to go and pick up her room and guess what she said!?
Instead, she went to her room and got something out of her closet and brought it back to me....and this is what it said:

When did she learn how to spell? Stinker.....


Andrews family said...

Hahaha... that totally made me laugh out loud. Oh Gillian, you funny little thing...

Korryn said...

I was laughing my head off when Jake told me that story, it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO Gillian!!

Hatch's said...

This is the beginning of the end for you...

Stacey said...

that's hilarious!! just remember this when she wants to borrow the car... :)