My kids lately.....
They got into the cornmeal while I was on facebook...they got into it and then spread it all over and began to eat it....gross!
The next day it was the Graham cracker crust they got into and ate...while I was on facebook. I was too angry to take pictures of would figure I would pay attention to my children once and a while. Jake told me facebook was evil ;)
Lincolns two favorite things right now:
1. saying "this" while he shows me something and then smiles and shakes his head "no" (thereby telling me he knows he shouldn't be doing what he's doing) and putting whatever "this" is into his mouth
2. dancing
They got rhythm!
Lincoln's got some serious rhythm going on there.....nice!
There are no words...(I am speaking of the mess(es) they made). Good thing they are dang CUTE!
love the dancing! so far, anders has no rhythm... looks like all the girls will be asking lincoln to dance instead! :) great post!
I clearly need to work on my moves :0)
and as for the mess... at least it wasns't honey. Yep, we have been down THAT road.
I love it!! Every childhood has one dump the flour/cornmeal/rice all over the living room moment. Or ten.
I've just had my computer open to your blog for the last 30 minutes while I did housework, because I love the music :)
so cute! (the dancing... not the messes) I love how lincolns short little legs make him look like such a home-boy:)
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