We visited Cody Wyoming for a work/vacation trip. This is a trip our family knows all too well as this is the third summer (fourth for Jake) that we have gone on this journey. This time though we were put up in a nice hotel that had free breakfast every morning and more importantly, blackout shades.
In past trips with Gillian, we just didn't have much to do and usually this would be a great thing! A thing that I want normally, nothing to do. But when you are out of you element it isn't always the easiest thing to have nothing to do. This time around I had a plan. We would venture around in the mornings ( having different things to do every day) have lunch and then swim in the afternoon until Jake got back from the museum. This plan was great and worked out quite well...with a few exceptions.
1. having blackout shades still does not mean you can do what you want during nap time. Because we were all in the same room together with Lincoln in his pack n play, I actually couldn't move while they slept or they woke up. (more about this later...)
2. Just because you bring 2 new books to read on your "vacation" doesn't mean you'll actually get to read them. Blackout shades are awesome except for when it is pitch dark and it makes you ridiculously tired to the point you can't read or you will fall asleep. ( I have finally finished the first book last night though).
3. Having a pool isn't always the coolest thing. Although it did work when Gillian would throw fits "Gillian if you don't stop we won't be able to go swimming..." Apparently the pool was overwrought with chemicals and Gillian can't keep her mouth closed in the pool to save her life! We woke up most nights puking. yuck.
4. In trying to keep the activities going with the kids, I was completely exhausted most of the time....which didn't help with Gillian's puke sessions at night.
5. forgetting your camera is the worst thing you could do on a vacation. (explained later in the section titled: Rodeos are cool.)
So here is a short montage of our Cody visit.

Gillian wasn't cooperating with taking pictures. For someone who is a princess she doesn't like to have her picture taken! This was at the Buffalo Bill Historical Center where Jake worked.

Gillian really got into the cowboy spirit of the old west while in Cody. She even got a pink cowgirl hat...the money of which went to the breast cancer research group there.
I love to see the tree rings! It is so crazy to see this stuff!
I made Gillian pose with these dresses. I really wished I lived in a time when I could where these dresses! Some women found corsets confining yet I envied them a bit. I confound myself.
Here we are at the fire movie station of doom. Gillian became obsessed with this movie presentation at the Draper museum. We sat and watched all afternoon. I ended up recording it if you are interested...
Gillian 2005
There is a place in the Draper Museum where there are a lot of hands on exhibits for kids. When Gillian was a baby and the first summer we took her there we took a picture of her with a horn that now has become a slight tradition.
Gillian 2009
Lincoln 2009
Ah the parades. Cody takes its parades seriously. There is a kiddie parade on Thursday morning and then the 4th of July parade on both Friday and Saturday mornings. The theme for the kiddie parade was Heroes of the Old West. The picture above is the only picture I took of that parade (too bad it isn't very good). This entry is for the POWER RANGERS. The kids put on Power Ranger costumes with cowboy hats on top. Seriously people, the Power Rangers are heroes of the old west? good grief!

We set up the next morning for the main event. Can you feel the excitement? ;)

I really need a new camera, the entry here is from the dam visitor center near Cody. The sign reads: the best "dam" volunteers around

The Shriner's are a mainstay in parades right? I have never seen this before though! They had little turtle mobiles! They were really cool!

Last but not least, the pink spray painted dog. I seriously told Gillian not too long ago that there was no such thing as a pink dog. Thanks Cody 4th of July parade for proving me wrong.
Rodeos are cool!
Notice I have no pictures to display? I forgot the dang camera! Gillian even participated in the dang show! They have a section of the rodeo where the kids go out into the middle and try to get the ribbons off the baby cows...stay with me here. So we talked Gillian into going out there by herself. Now this is a big stadium...Cody is the Rodeo Capital of the World....and Gillian actually goes out there and runs with all these hundreds? of kids. It. was. awesome. She didn't catch one of course but she had fun...until she excited to the wrong side and gets COMPLETELY lost. Jake has to run to the other side to find her and it was a mess. Anyway, she was found and wasn't even mad she couldn't find us. She went all by herself to part of the highest bleacher seats and sat down. She was watching the rodeo having a good time.
I could write an actual book about the hotel stay but I won't. Suffice it to say that we survived....barely.
Stay tuned soon for our Yellowstone Adventure.....
Good grief! I don't know if I should laugh or cry. At least you were away from home for a little while even though it was so very eventful.
Sounds like quite a trip! Glad you guys survived all the craziness!
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