So long no post.
Jake has been wondering where the posts are....
There are lots of reasons I haven't posted anything but I guess the main reason is that I have been just really negative lately. I haven't found many things to be happy about. I have let that spread to most areas of my life. I let myself get bogged down in feeling sorry for myself and have been wading in that pool most of the summer. What could possibly be keeping me down? I guess the answer to that is too personal to share with everyone...
A big dilemma has been whether or not to keep this blog about the happy moments in our lives or to let it all out, ugly included. Well, you know the title is the Benfield's in REAL life, not happy plastic pretend life so sorry for those of you who only like to read happy life includes all the emotions. Probably there are more than one of you out there wondering why I am sharing this...well, if you know me at all, I can't keep it in and I always end up telling everyone everything eventually :)
I started keeping a diary of sorts and, because I have to name pretty much everything, I have named it Purge. This helps. I am also looking for support groups for people who feel sorry for themselves...okay that was a joke people. I am not depressed. Anyway, I have to say that my family is awesome and that even though I will complain about them I am so thankful Heavenly Father gave them to me. I don't deserve them. So, to be lazy but to appease my sweetie, here is a picture montage for you to catch upon our summer and let me off the hook.
I feel better already...
Gillian before church. She hates to have her hair done but she loves to look like a princess, go figure!
We ate at Noodles during the summer (yum) and we just let Lincoln at it! It was hilarious the looks we got, there was spaghetti everywhere! It was awesome! Our caveman baby...
We frequented the drive in this summer! It was awesome...Gillian loves the ring pops.
One night we got to see Harry Potter and mini fireworks show and a meteor shower! Definitely one of the highlights of summer.
Lincoln is a champion (maybe that is why Jake wanted to name him that...). He is such a wonderful creature and I adore him. Once again, he shows his caveman abilities.
Poor guy has a rough time on Sundays. He doesn't get a nap because we have church at 1pm (grrr) so he falls asleep on the way home and we can't wake him up so we let him sleep on the couch afterwards. When we wake him for dinner he screams for an hour. It sucks but it sucks for him too so we listen to it....and we still love him anyway.
He looks good in pink right?
Gillian holding up the rainbow. She's the man.
Jake told me the other day he believes in me. Believe is a word I have taken forgranted lately...kinda like I have with the word faith. This is what I know....if I do nothing, nothing will change. So with that, I go about my journey and hope to have more happy things to post about than unhappy and leave you with a happy feeling after checking in with our family.
my dear friend i have neglected you this summer....i'm you forgive me? ;) i can't stop laughing at your blog photo......i can see you saying "stop it Gillian" right as the camera snaps! thanks for being real, you make me feel normal!
when you mentioned a support group for people who feel sorry for themselves, my first thought was, "i'm in!" maybe we'll have to start our own. we'll call it our sorry support group. :)
i came across this really great quote recently but now i can't find it. i thought you might like it though so i'll keep hunting. in the meantime... "the sun will come out! tomorrow!"
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