We got 21 inches of snow in a matter of a couple of days here and we have been stuck inside....I'm not driving in that madness! After a couple days of not leaving the house we have turned a little silly. There have been awesome things happening too...Here are some pictures journaling our journey.
(The never did though)
And seriously, why do those people still have their air conditioner in their window...aren't they freezing!!!???
Thankfully, Gillian braved the outdoors and played a few times. She never lasted long though. Apparently playing outside when it is 20 degrees isn't pleasant after a while!
One morning I made Lincoln oatmeal and he is pretty good with utensils so I let me go off on it by himself. I was at the computer checking my mail and kept of hearing slurping noises and it made me laugh...(mostly this is for adoring grandparents to see).
I will leave with evidence of our insanity. Cabin fever is real people!
too bad we weren't stuck inside together...looks like fun!
if we're ever snowed in for a week, we want to be with you guys! i just had to keep explaining to andrew over and over why we couldn't go out the screen doors (with snow piled up 2 feet or so)... we didn't have half as much fun as you guys did! :)
i'm coming over next snow day... your cinnamon rolls look so yummy!
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