Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Wrap-up

We had a lovely Christmas. It was a time spent with family and friends. The kids made out like bandits and Jake and I received some really nice gifts as well. We ate well...especially me with no more gall bladder to give me pain. I was still in a little residual pain from the surgery and pretty tired but was so happy to have my family around me to make life easier. I am so thankful we were able to have this Christmas at Jake's dad's house because we might not be back for the holidays next year.

Poor Jake....this was him all morning trying to get everything put together and work.

So many presents!

One of the coolest presents Gillian got wasn't even from Santa. Her Grandpa gave her a Disney princess digital camera! It is seriously cool! Here are her picture chronicling her Christmas experience:

Aunt Bristol!

Uncle Brian looking so serene even after playing that video game;)

The infamous Uncle John!

Aunt Hillary.

So cute.

She got me!

Gillian's favorite princess :)

She always does this...I promise I have never let her watch America's Next Top Model...

oops....we got caught!

Uncle Summit!

Aunt Liz!

Grandma Benfield!

I am sure he just loves to see that crown atop his head :)

"Look surprised Gillian!"


Got presents?

1 comment:

JustJon said...

I need to get one of those Disney Princess cameras for me!