Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Gillian's 5th Birthday Party!

Gillian invited her friends via email this year...proving that mom is indeed lazy because she refused to by stamps.

Gillian's reaction to this cake was classic!  I was so happy to see that she loved it!  I had gotten all the decorations up and the cake out and she looked at me and said, "Wow Mom, you must really love me!"  to which I said, "Duh!"

She received such nice gifts...thank you so much for them!  She didn't want to go to school this morning because she was busy playing with them :)

Thank you to all that came and made this evening so much fun for us!  I was telling everyone Jake and I are gonna make more excuses to see everyone so we will be having lots of get togethers soon! 


Stacey said...

happy birthday gillian! what a fun party! i thought your invitations were very clever, cher. i'll probably steal that idea at some point. :) awesome cake too! i'm sure gillian felt very special on her special day.

Hatch's said...

LOVE the email idea...and the pic is classic! You are a great, awesome, cool MOM! I wanna be you!
p.s. my security word is "CAKED"

Jayne said...

Happy birthday, cute girl!

valumama said...

happy birthday! you know the cake is pretty awesome! well done