I have a super duper burning love people!
I couldn't find enough time or words or space to tell you how much I adore, love, respect and appreciate Jake. He is my best friend. He has always supported me and loved me no matter what (and sometimes when I didn't deserve it). He sacrafices so much for me and our children. He has always worked as many jobs to support us, even when that meant absolutely no free time for himself. He is selfless and kind and a good man. Without him I would be lost. He is a great father and he makes me love him more and more when I see him with the kids. He is the leader of our family and holds the priesthood which makes me feel safe and secure. For his birthday this year he told me he didn't want a thing. Until we took Gillian's training wheels off her too-small-for-her bike and she did so well he wants to buy her a bigger one....for HIS birthday. I know that doesn't make him eligible for sainthood or anything, it just shows me what a special person he is. As we are nearing our big upheaval east, and while I am slowly crumpling under the stress of trying to hold it together, he is calm and helps me to be as well. He deals with me being overly emotional through this pregnancy (for his sake I hope I can stop crying all the time soon!) and doesn't tell me I am crazy. He is the best and the best gift that I have ever been blessed with. I thank Heavenly Father for him every day.
Happy birthday Jake!
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