Monday, September 22, 2008

Is this embarrassing?

So apparently I am an awful parent and haven't remembered to get Gillian a water bottle for school. The teachers have asked for these to be brought to school so the kids can stay hydrated. I suck, and also being short on cash, I just haven't bothered to get her one. So this morning before school I decided that a sippy cup would do just as good so I put her name on one of Lincoln's sippy cups and called it good. I handed it to Gillian to put into her backpack and she just stared at me. I said, "What?" She said, "But this is a baby cup!" And so I said, "So?" And so she said, "The other kids will laugh at me!" And I started to choke on my water and nutra grain bar. "Seriously?" Jake and I just looked at each other and thought that this wouldn't come out of her mouth for another decade or two!

1 comment:

valumama said...

so sad she is already worried about that at 3... But I have to say that was pretty creative, and resourceful... kudos for trying!