Friday, January 9, 2009

So Nice Outside!

It was so nice outside yesterday! We all have had a little cabin fever lately and it was such a blessing to have a 60 degree day in January! By the way, I remember when Gillian was born (almost 4 years ago!) what a nice month January was then. It was so nice I took her out on walks almost every day all that month. I am getting a little sentimental because on the 11th, Gillian is turning 4! I can't believe it. But I regress...I got a little camera happy yesterday. Enjoy!

Can't you just feel the anti-depression radiating sunshine?

Beautiful blue skies!

Lincoln talking and walking...

Lincoln loved exploring in the wonder of his surroundings.

Just before he started eating the wonders of his surroundings.

Kid loves swinging...enough said.


Tim and Family said...

Shyler looks just like Lincoln and sounds like him too! Gotta love those walkers!
Happy Birthday Gillian!!!

valumama said...

looks like you got another runner on your hands, he sure cruses!