Thursday, September 23, 2010

A funny thing happened on the way to the ultrasound appointment....

So I am nearing the end of this pregnancy..only a few more weeks left :) I know, technically I could have as many as 4 weeks left but seriously, I am not going there. We were told we were having another little boy but a funny thing happened today while getting an ultrasound today. I was there to make sure baby's head was down so I could still be in the running for a VBAC (vaginal delivery after cesarean) and while I was there the ultrasound tech did all the usual things...measuring and looking at all the important parts, placenta etc. While she was doing her thing she casually asked what we were expecting and I told her a boy.

She kinda smiled and said, "I hope you didn't run out and buy out the store."

Me in reply: "Oh yeah?"

Laughing a little now, "It looks like you are having a girl."

She then showed me on the monitor what looked like a girl. Wow. Of course she told me that she couldn't be 100% sure, but she also said that she has never been wrong. She then had another tech to double check what she had found. Funny enough, the other techs name was Gillian. I thought it to be a sign that MY Gillian was going to get her way afterall. She also told me she thought it was a girl.

So now we know how found I am of waiting.

So what do you guys think? Girl or Boy? Cause I honestly don't know what to think now!


Jayne said...

Serious? What a crazy story! Your life is always full of such adventures!

Andrews family said...

Wow. I wonder how they got that mixed up?? I bet Gillian was thrilled!