Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lucy at 5 months

I can't believe that 5 months have passed and for some reason it feels much longer.  Life has really started to slow down...less doctor offices and more home time.  We just love her so much...  

Right now Lucy is:

*Not eating solids.  Solids weren't really Lucy's thing at four months so we are trying again now. Good luck to us!

*Not on a schedule.  She does like to take 3 naps a day.  She varies how long she sleeps for.  But eating is an altogether other situation.  She varies between how many ounces and hours in between she does every time.  She gets pretty picky about eating...I think it is annoying but we are adjusting.

*Teething.  Poor girl is having a hard time of it!  Gillian was the same way.

*Sleeping better!  She still wakes up to eat once a night, but because I married a rock star husband, he feeds her.  She is really good about going back to sleep after she eats.

*Getting bigger!  I am not sure of her actual weight.  I did have to buy her new clothes though!  She still is a tiny thing, but she has been putting on weight and getting taller.  Her pencentiles are meager but my hope is that will start really fattening up with solids...that is if she will ever eat them!

*Showing her personality.  I remember while she was in the hospital she was labled as "fiesty" and I guess you would be too if you had gone through all she had.  But really she is so lovable and fun.  Minus being sick or teething she has a happy dispostion.  I love to hear her laugh.

*Not rolling over or sitting up by herself or doing much tum time.  Oh well, she is getting close on rolling over and doing okay sitting up supported.  I hate making her mad so it my fault about the tum time.  Maybe she will start crawling around 12 months...haha.

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