Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Gillian is a silly girl. Since starting preschool, she has been coming home saying the funniest stuff. She loves this little Korean girl from her class, Nan Nan. She talks about her all the time. When she is playing with her toys or making stuff up, it is about Nan Nan. I ask her on the way home from school everyday, "Gillian what did you do at school today?" She replies, "Played with Nan Nan." I say, "Anything else?" She says, "No." So the other day I asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She said she wanted a Nan Nan doll. Yikes. I hate to say it but my first thought goes to why? Knowing Gillian, I think that either she just loves this little girl that she wants to play with her all the time and having a Nan Nan doll will facilitate this, or, that if she had a Nan Nan doll she could control her and make her do whatever she wanted her to do. You probably could pick out my guess...There are other silly things that she has done recently.

Gillian loves to take baths. She has all kinds of toys. Recently, she loves to take the suction cups and stick them on her face.

She is so weird.

Gillian recently got a new haircut with Mommy. She looks really cute. She really hates to have her hair brushed and done so I decided just to keep it short.

Also, my Mom made a really cute poncho for her. I love the colors.


Hatch's said...

She is adorable. Love the Nan Nan doll! Can I get a Cher doll? That just sounds creepy!

valumama said...

so funny, the suction cups look like funny frog eyes.
I love that poncho!
and her hair cut is cute too.